To explain plant strategies, one must look belowground

New research by Jitka Klimešová at the Institute of Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Ecologists try to explain why plants grow in a certain place and rely on the measurement of important plant properties that characterize the life strategies of plants. Traditionally, the properties of the leaves or fine roots, which obtain nutrients, … Continue reading To explain plant strategies, one must look belowground

Belowground slice of life

Illustrations by F. Curtis Lubbe at the Institute of Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The belowground compartment isn't only fascinating, it is also inspiring and sometimes relatable. Here is a small series of illustrations inspired by the belowground storage organs of plants featuring a sleepy taproot, hungry stem tuber, grumpy bulb, multiplying rhizome, … Continue reading Belowground slice of life

The vegetable lamb

Illustrations by F. Curtis Lubbe at the Institute of Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences. One of the most interesting legendary plants is the vegetable lamb of Tartary.  Allegedly this lamb grows from a stalk and grazes the nearby area.  The idea is rather adorable but it was always lacking a mention of the … Continue reading The vegetable lamb

Belowground in the Karoo of South Africa

Photos by Jana Martínková Institute of Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences. We at ExFuMo (Department of Experimental and Functional Morphology) like belowground plant organs, we like to travel, and we are curious about what goes on belowground in places other than our own home in the Czech Republic. So, a few times a … Continue reading Belowground in the Karoo of South Africa

Why go belowground?

A commentary by F. Curtis Lubbe at the Institute of Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The belowground lives of plants are very different than those we see above the soil. As aboveground, in the soil plants grow, branch, forage, compete, and have complex multualistic relationships. However, all of these processes are a bit … Continue reading Why go belowground?